Monday, June 18, 2012

To my Father

Yes yes, I know Father's Day was yesterday.  I wrote this yesterday but forgot to re-write and post it. Then I lost internet connection, until now that is.  Sorry! I'll be updating more often.

I love my family a lot.  As you all know today* is Father's day, and I just want to quickly say thanks to you Dad for your love and guidance.  We've been through some tough times together (though you've seen much more pain than me), but God has always taken care of us. 

The best thing about my Dad is how he loves my family and me.  I believe the definition of a man, in other words, what specifically makes him a man, is based on his ability to execute hard choices.  Furthermore I believe to love with a true, unconditional, self-less love is the hardest choice any person can make--especially since a man with such a lifestyle must make that choice every day.  To love much is to suffer much.
I believe that's why so many marriages fail--so many people are unwilling to sacrifice their desires and wants in order to love their spouse.  "Love is a choice" my mother would say.  There are so many "men" who think only of themselves and nothing or far too little of the needs and wants of those around them.  It's easy to love someone when they please you; it's hard when they wrong you.

But my father has always been loving to us. 

I don't mean he says "I love you" a lot. He makes mistakes; he's not perfect. No one in my family is!  But he always will show us that he loves us.  He is always showing (or trying to get us interested in) how to fix a bike or change the brake pads or how to set up an internet server, etc.  For example: once my mother's shoe was untied and he just stooped down--without saying anything-- and tied it for her.

Thank you Dad for your example of true love (the kind that can only come from God)

We need more real and true men in our world.

*By today I mean yesterday.

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