Sunday, May 13, 2012

I just gotta quickly say:


Seriously, wouldn't be half the (young) man I am today without your wisdom, love, and patience.  All you true men out there: you better honor your mother (rule definitely applies to wives and grandmas!). GO out there and buy some chocolate!

Side note: Why we should celebrate this holiday? Well, I believe men should honor women.  Not because women are better than men (though they're much better than us at a lot of things), or that men are better than women, no, I believe men and women are equals.  But equal does not mean identical: there are some things men are better than women at, and there are some things that women are better than men at.  And that's okay, we've been purposely designed that way.  I believe men should honor women because women have made themselves to be more valuable than men.

 How so?  Women are better at feeling, and thus are more committed  to their relationships--stronger relationships mean stronger families, stronger families = better culture  and that means a better world. Men are no good at that. We have to learn how to love.
 "Yes dear, I will love you and only you, forever and ever--oh, dah deh look!--there goes another one." *SLAP* (inspired by Brad Stine)

Second: women can become pregnant.  That may seem a silly reason to you but seriously, you women can have a life inside you.  That blows me away.  I will never know what's like to have a life, another human being inside me.  And so I honor women, hold doors and whatever, not because I think women need help or couldn't do it themselves, but rather because they deserve that honor.

So get out there and buy some (low fat yet still tasty) chocolate.  Somebody will appreciate it, just don't eat all the good ones.


  1. I'm feeling some digested Brad Stine in here... haha its good stuff.

    1. Ook, ok, here ya go:
